Board of Directors and Committees

Board of Directors

Gabriel Freire - President

Graduated from USP with a Law Degree in 1996.

Founding partner of the law firm Freire, Assis, Sakamoto e Violante Advogados, specialized in Tax Law, Bankruptcy, and Judicial Reorganization.

In recent years, he has acted as legal advisor and Chief Restructuring Officer in relevant cases involving debt restructuring in Brazil, such as INEPAR, IESA, ECOVIX, ENGEVIX, Camisaria Colombo, and Terra Forte Group, among others.

Guilherme Carvalho - Vice President

Holds a degree in Economics from New Mexico State University (USA), and a post-graduate specialist degree in finance.

He has worked in the corporate finance and consulting areas at a Big 4 firm. In recent years, he has worked with Mergers & Acquisitions, having led transactions in the IT, Infrastructure, and Health sectors.

Bernardo Mendonça

Graduated in Business Administration from Universidade Salvador, he has extensive experience of more than a decade in the financial market, with an emphasis on the Corporate & Private Banking segments. Since 2020, he has held the position of Investor Relations Director at the Company, where he has played an important role in the strategic management of investor relations and communication with the market. In 2022, he was appointed member of the Board of Directors, bringing his expertise to improve corporate governance and boost the group’s strategic development.

Ricardo Mendes

Graduated in Agronomy from Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) in 1980. Holds a specialist degree in Administration from FGV (1985), in Finance from IBMEC (1991), and in Basic Sanitation Engineering from USP (1999).

Served as CEO of Azevedo & Travassos S.A. from 1995 to 1998, and as a member of the Board of Directors from 1998 to 2005.

That same year, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Azevedo & Travassos S.A., a position he held until 2019.

Thiago Chiquita

Holds a Law Degree from Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba. Works with Business and Corporate Law at the law firm Gama Monteiro Socreppa, serving as legal counsel to companies in the infrastructure, technology, health, and financial sectors. Specialist in the Judicial Reorganization and Restructuring of companies, with more than eight years of experience in the area.

Marcos Valarelli

Graduated in Civil Engineering from FACENS, he has additional training in the areas of real estate investments and concrete technology. He has extensive experience in the area of ​​real estate development and new businesses. Since November 2022, he has been working in strategy consultancy and new business expansion. Previously, he worked at LOFT, where he managed structured retrofit projects and engineering contracts at Nomah, the group’s short rental arm. He also worked at Graciano Empreendimentos Imobiliários, Contracta Engenharia and Lemat, in addition to having worked at Vitacon as an investment and business model structuring executive.