Heftos Oil and Gas Construction

Heftos accumulates more than 45 years of experience in Maintenance and Construction & Assembly (C&A) activities at industrial units in the oil and gas sector. The company has already operated on more than 70% of Brazilian offshore oil platforms, as well as at refineries and other onshore units.

With a mature management focused on planning and productivity, and the ability to mobilize skilled labor from a large database of experienced professionals (through the monitoring of lessons learned and a high learning curve), we offer our experience and qualification to meet the needs of oil and gas companies, including:

Brownfield Projects Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Assembly Modifications and Repairs Onshore/Offshore Industrial Maintenance Production Asset Management Hook-up

In 2021, Heftos became part of the holding company Azevedo & Travassos S.A. (ATSA).

To learn more about Heftos, click here.

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